For modern people and how we affect the fate of the earth and our descendants, ancestral healing is probably one of the most crucial actions we can take. Earth-honoring cultures that remain intact make sure their ancestors die well, and if for some reason this doesn't happen, they do ceremony to ensure that their dead make a complete transition and are fully seated and healthy.. However, we don't do this in contemporary culture and so the energetic field in which we all live is full of unresolved dynamics belonging to the dead. And these imbalanced energies affect us in our lineages in diverse ways.
Ancestral healing includes ways to help respectfully release energetic patterns, habits and beliefs that are no longer helpful which have been inherited from families of origin while still allowing you to maintain and cultivate the attitudes, skills and qualities from the ancestors that are deeply desired and supportive. And it also includes addressing the valid needs of our still-present outcast ancestors so they can fully transition. All of our unresolved histories of war, genocide, injustice, suffering, violence, greed, and domination are carried in our ancestral lines and this unresolved energy affects each level of our ability to grow, heal and flourish. Many of the beliefs we carry are unconscious, and many of the emotions we feel and behaviors we enact are as well, and are not truly of our own making, nor do they belong only to us, but are a mix of many influences, one of which is what has been passed down through our family lines. Ancestral healing can bring great consciousness to what these patterns are and give us the freedom and support to work with them in a desirable way. It is also a very important and moving way to create balance and inclusiveness throughout one’s lineage and to express gratitude for all the gifts and blessings of the ancestors. Ancestral healing is particularly powerful and poignant in that it not only affects the person seeking it, but will also contribute to the possibility of healing for others in the lineage who are open to receiving that gift of grace.