Earth/Spirit Tending Processes

Classical Earth/Spirit-based work involves addressing either power loss, soul loss, or foreign energy through the restoration of essential qualities from the spirit realm. Within these categories of soul loss, power loss and foreign energy are many different distinct qualities and applications that appear in a varied population and that have been defined and languaged. However, this kind of work cannot be codified. Spirit is vast, wild and operates outside of all our efforts to standardize. Consequently, in practice these conceptualized processes often shed the clothes and language of domestication and take their own unique, feral path and often there is simply no adequate name to give to what the spirits will do on your behalf. The dominant language and long conditioned mind patterns of western culture can’t contain the trans-species, trans-rational nature of the spirit realm. The work itself is alive, dynamic and mysterious and will not be contained by concepts, categories, biases, prejudices, belief systems and language. However, having said that, I have outlined only some of the most common dynamics I’ve encountered below just to give you a bit of traction for approaching understanding with the knowledge there is possibility for much misinterpretation in this simplistic, restrictive rendering. Click the pictures for more information about each.

Healing—or more precisely, coming into an enlivened sound relationship within yourself and with your environment—is often not a comfortable process. We are usually culturally conditioned to view ourselves and anything we consider non-optimal in a dismissive, separatist or negating light. However, through embodied earth/spirit practices and relationships, you’ll have an opportunity to expand your sense of yourself beyond individualistic and conditioned cognitive and sensory patterns and understandings and thereby experience opportunity for more personal equanimity as well as to be open to possibilities of greater joy and fulfillment both within your intimate life as well as in how you express yourself in the world. You will also discover more resources for a greater capacity for stability. within change, creativity, and trust in yourself no matter what and peace—just a general okayness with whatever is occurring in your life— when internal dynamics and/or outer circumstances are difficult.

It is through the intrinsic beauty and wisdom of your own great spirit already present and working in collaboration with the compassionate spirits that we will navigate whatever is most timely and meaningful to you. This exploration may include issues about family, creativity, health and healing, love, work, death, the body, your calling or purpose, animals, relationships, the earth and your spirit. From a safe, grounded space we can investigate your needs and questions about what lies within your humanity, beyond your humanity and the space between.

In these categories below I am using terms you might be familiar with from other practices so you have a landing place, even though I’m not particularly comfortable with many of them….