This is an introductory shamanic journey exploration in which you will have deep opportunity to sensitize yourself to an altered state of consciousness induced by drumming that is known to help create a theta brain-wave state. Shamanic explorers the world over have used this state to enter what is now called non-ordinary reality or NOR (thank you, Carlos Casteneda). This is also known as the Dreamtime and is a state of great creativity and heightened perceptions of energies that are beyond what our physical senses usually accommodate. This is also considered the spirit realm and in this realm it is possible to connect and communicate with spirit guides for guidance as well as balance and healing. These spirit guides, or helping spirits, may take the shape of a power animal, like Bear, Otter or Raven. Or they may come as a wisdom teacher such as Buddha, Osiris, Pan or White Buffalo Calf Woman. They may come as ancestral beings from your biological or spiritual lineage, or as elementals such as Fire or Water, a gnome or slyph; and they may come as nature beings such as a tree spirit or mountain deva. They will come in whatever ways are necessary for your energetic matrices to be shifted in the direction of wholeness and in ways that bring you the qualities you need at the time and in ways you can relate to.
During this workshop you will be guided to seek a power animal, a wisdom teacher, an ancestral ally and an elemental to stabilize you during journey sessions. You will also journey to discover your place of power in NOR, a place where you feel a deep sense of magic, safety, inspiration and peace. Once you've spent time learning about what kinds of power are being restored to you and have the opportunity to integrate these qualities, you will then be guided to work in pairs to find allies for each other, journey together to agreed-upon places, and to create strong, concise inquiries for exploration. You will also learn how to participate in the creation of ceremony to connect with the spirit of the Earth and discover what your emotional template is for that connection and how to support yourself and the circle through languaging intent, blessings and gratitude and creating an altar.
Please bring:
- a mat or something comfortable to lie down on
- something to cover your eyes
- a water bottle
- a bagged lunch for each day; teas and snacks will be provided
- something to write with
- something meaningful to you to put on the altar that you will take home and also something you feel connected to that is natural and bio-degradable to leave outside as a gift to the Earth (tobacco, cornmeal, sage, flower or birdseed, leaves, flowers, sticks, rocks/gemstones, etc.)
- drum or rattle if you have one
- curiosity