Hosted by Christopher Reynolds and Damaris Chrystal
From Irish poet/philosopher John O’Donohue:
“I imagine that one of the great store-houses of blessing is the invisible neighborhood where the dead dwell. Our friends among the dead now live where time and space are transfigured. They behold us now in ways they never could have when they lived beside us on earth. Because they live near the source of destiny their blessings for us are accurate and penetrating, offering a divine illumination not available according to the calculations of the given visible world. Perhaps one of the surprises of death will be a retrospective view of the lives we lived here and to see how our friends among the dead clothed us in weave after weave of blessing.”
How would it affect you to experience in your bones that you have ancestors actively supporting your life and that you can work intentionally with them? And how would it be to know with certainty and empathy that you also have some ancestors who are lost, confused and wandering and that you have the innate ability to bring them the blessings they need for resolution and peace?
Consider what it might mean to you if you discovered that as you did this, your own life more closely aligned with the beautiful dreams coursing in each pulse of your blood and that with the help of your healthy ancestors, the wisdom of the Earth and other compassionate spirit helpers that some of the great challenges facing your family, community and planet began to lift—- what then?
In this two-day gathering we’ll begin to discover some ways to meet and lovingly tend our ancestors, understand why it is so greatly needed now, and in doing so also discern and learn how to resolve some of the limiting inter-generational patterns we carry ourselves that we will refer to as Time Spirits. Through ritual, music, shamanic constellations, movement, storytelling, listening and finding voice we will touch some of our intimate experiences of the causes and consequences of war and genocide; the objectification of the Earth and living beings; the nature of the isolated modern intellect and the numbing of our sensual embodiment and feelings; along with our concomitant experiences of grief and death.
In response, together we will find good ways and allies in both the seen and unseen world that help our patterns to soften, that reveal beauty in our deepest longings and which provide inspiration to envision and align our life practices for what is being called for now by both cosmic and planetary intelligence as we move more deeply into what it means to be beautifully, fully human within the circle of blessings of the Earth, Stars and loving guidance of our great Ancestors.
Dates: Saturday June 8th, 10am-9pm; Sunday June 9th, 10am-5pm
Location: Cleveland, Ohio area: Beaty Landing; 477 East Walnut Ave. Painesville, Ohio, 44077
Cost: Choose your offering: Range $150-$250; If needed, offerings made be made in two separate payments beginning any time before or at the workshop and concluding within two weeks after the event. If a second payment is to be made after the event, please bring a post-dated check with you to the workshop.
Register: Please register with a $25 deposit by going to:, or if you are reading this on the Damaris Chrystal website, by leaving this page to go to Contact, scroll down to Payments
What to bring:
—Bagged lunches for Saturday and Sunday; bagged dinner for Saturday
—Your drinks
—A camp or folding chair, mats, blankets, whatever you wish to sit on
—Layered clothing if Saturday night turns cool
—Note-taking needs
—Eye cover
—Something meaningful to you that connects you to an ancestral line
—A hand-written letter to your Ancestors with your heart wish for what you hope for in your connection with them. Please spend some time with this and allow it to be creatively and beautifully done.
—Curiosity, questioning, longing, excitement, trepidation, grief, willingness, joy, skepticism, confusion, mirth, quietude, heartbreak, congeniality, listening, whimsy, stories, ease, receptivity, all your felt experience, whatever moves your breath and blood
Questions: Please direct any questions to the Contact page at or to