Earth/Spirit based individual mentoring:
A 5-12 month one on one mentoring program (you choose any length in that time frame) which will be designed collaboratively for your area of interest, duration and hours of monthly engagement. This way I can provide an experiential, supportive learning dynamic which is specifically designed for your personal interests, needs and abilities and with consideration for your cosmologies, perceptual filters, and conditioning. The mentoring will include not only the time we spend together, likely on Zoom, but will include diverse explorations for you to work with between our sessions as well as the sharing of relevant documents and audio files. If it comes up during our time together that you need a specific medicine rite in order to fully encounter your area of interest, then you can use a few of the hours you’ve allotted to engage that, or you can arrange something supplemental. If you need occasional contact with me during the month in order to stay on course I’m happy to give that as I tend to not be very formal with the time I share. If you want to check in with former or current students of mine about this or anything else, please ask to do so. I think you’ll find I lean in the direction of generosity, humor and flexibility.
Here are a few possible areas of interest, although others are available or you can come up with your own as long as I can support it– all through an Earth-based lens; be imaginative, I welcome you to talk with me about what you’d like:
Relationship with spirits of nature and other spirit beings* (please see below)
Tending the Earth, others and yourself through ceremony and ritual
Ancestral relationship and practices
Relating to death as an ally and life practice
Relationship with power
Befriending grief; refining interpersonal skills with the grief of others
Relationship with earth changes
Walking a spirit path in an oppressive culture
Aligning human creativity and enterprise with the body and spirit needs of the Earth
Reclaiming a blueprint of sanity through various Earth-based practices
*This is a fundamental relational ability I find most necessary in order to move well in any other inquiry, and is one most needed now by the Earth and a necessary aspect of being fully human. Even some of us who are adept in this field have certain blind spots that are worth tending to so I like to give some sessions to this no matter what else you might choose.
Possible hours of engagement per month to choose from:
Anywhere from 2-10 consistent monthly hours and scheduled in time frames from 1 hour per session to 3 hours per session. Example: you sign up for 4 hours mentoring every month; you can schedule those hours as 3 hours one time per month and 1 hour one time a month or 2 hours twice a month etc. How you schedule your hours each month can vary as long as the number of hours per month remain consistent.
Each month I will have specific kinds of explorations/dreaming, ceremonies, inquiries, protocols and perspectives and personal experience for you to be curious about and follow up on. Each month I will be looking for you to have questions, experiences, creations, completed inquiries, curiosities, analysis of work done, self-observations to share.
Costs: estimated to be $135 per hour for the first two hours; $90 per hour for hours 3-6; $70 per hour for hours 7-10. I. e. for 4 hours: (2 x 135 = $270) + (2x 90= $180) =$450: Another example: If you wanted a mentoring of 7 hours per month that would equal ( 3 x 135 = 405) + ( 3 x 90 = 270) + ( 1 x 70 = 70) = $745 per month. There is a 2 hours per month minimum. The planning and gathering of resources, brief check-ins and follow through on suggested practices I do on your behalf are not charged for, only our direct one on one time together.
Contact: If you’re interested in exploring a spirit based mentoring, please reach out to me via the contact form on this website or email me at and we can arrange a virtual meeting.
(art: Frank Howell Gallery)