The core of shamanism: the helping spirits

Earth/Spirit Tending is based on the ability of someone to go into a somewhat altered state where perceptions of time/space and what is possible expands, form reciprocal relationships with compassionate beings of spirit, and gain guidance about how to embody greater balance in life and the best ways to maintain that balance, either for self or another. It is also a way to provide a conduit for the helping spirits to effect direct healing either personally or within the collective by moving energies in the direction of wholeness  This is somewhat simplistic.. but will do for most applications.

So.. who are the helping spirits?  What are they? As conceptually oriented, language-based beings, we seek ways to speak of and work with experiences and realities we can’t precisely define. Writer, shaman and dream researcher Robert Moss calls shamans “poets of consciousness” and that’s a good lens through which to consider this question. So one way I feel comfortable speaking generically of the Helping Spirits is that they are forms —or frequencies—of completely benevolent consciousness who are not embodied as we normally define embodiment. Their purpose is to help us re-member and align with our own divine nature, often through entrainment, and learn the right use of power. They are not bound by time and space, by history or conditioning, and perceive what is energetically true, however they might transmit that. They can bring to our lives the unique and pertinent qualities we need at any given time. Helping Spirits give guidance and transmit healing energies through the power of Love. This is the love that perceives the divine essence within you and its beauty, no matter what might be overshadowing it at any time.

In future writings I'll explore more deeply the nature and ways of Helping Spirits. Please feel very welcomed to make comments or ask questions you might have.